Finding Peace in a Frantic World

Online , United Kingdom

This is an eight-week, self-directed, mindfulness course using as the basis, Mark Williams and Danny Penman’s best-selling book Mindfulness: Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World. You will be […]


Mindfulness course: Wednesday evenings

Online , United Kingdom

This eight-week course combines mindfulness practices and cognitive-behavioural techniques to help reduce low-mood and anxiety. There is increasing evidence that this eight-week mindfulness course is effective in reducing other mental […]


Mindfulness course: Thursday late afternoons

Online , United Kingdom

This eight-week course combines mindfulness practices and cognitive-behavioural techniques to help reduce low-mood and anxiety. There is increasing evidence that this eight-week mindfulness course is effective in reducing other mental […]


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course: Monday afternoons

Online , United Kingdom

The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme is the eight-week mindfulness course developed by Jon Kabat Zinn, taught all over the world, and scientifically proven to help people cope better with […]
