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professional development

The Feeling Tone: Exploring Mindfulness Frame by Frame

October 27, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm UTC+0

Evidence from hundreds of clinical trials confirms that mindfulness training is effective in reducing the distress of many physical and psychological challenges. However, those same clinical trials show that not everyone is helped as much as they could be in a single eight-week program. This is hardly surprising. Eight weeks go past very fast and building a habit of regular practice can be really hard in that short time. And even if we have established a regular practice, our lives continue to bring new traumas and pains, disruption and grief, and everyday tasks can also continue to bring their own stress and exhaustion.
So we are often asked, by participants who have completed an 8-week course: “Is there anything more I can do to deepen and sustain my practice?” The Feeling Tone program is an eight-week course designed to meet this need – a follow-on course for those who are familiar with mindfulness, and who wish to sustain and deepen their practice*.

Feeling tone – also known in the Buddhist traditions as vedana (the second foundation of mindfulness) is present in eight-week courses such as MBSR and MBCT but it is mostly in the background: None of the meditation practices we learn in those eight weeks focuses directly on it.

Yet recent developments in psychological science have awakened interest in such affective tone: Every waking moment, our understanding of the world is dominated by imagining how we can take action within it. These perceptions and plans are coloured by feeling tone: the moment-by-moment ‘read-out’ of how much any sensation, thought, impulse or emotion feels pleasant, unpleasant, or neither. Based on this moment-by-moment ‘read out’, the body allocates its resources as it gears up for real or imagined action. This can prepare us well for action, but it can also put us at risk of becoming exhausted without realizing it.

Event Details

October 27, 2023
10:00 am - 4:00 pm UTC+0
Event Category:
Mode of Attendance:
Event Mindfulness Approach:
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Partner Profile

Centre for Mindfulness Studies

Centre for Mindfulness Studies

Registered Jun 2020
Training Partner


The Centre for Mindfulness Studies is a charitable social enterprise founded in 2011 in downtown Toronto. It is the leading professional development and service delivery organization for mindfulness-based interventions in Canada. We’re expanding our offerings online and in new locations. We provide mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), mindful self-compassion (MSC) and specialized mindfulness training to the general public, healthcare providers, and social service professionals. As a mental health charity, we help those who face economic and social barriers by providing affordable and effective mindfulness-based mental health services through our Community Program. The Centre for Mindfulness Studies is committed to making mindfulness-based mental health services available to everyone. This is at the heart of the work we do.




Toronto, Canada